Allow Me To Repeat Myself Joe, I’ll Speak Slowly

You Haven’t Seen a Fucking Thing, Yet.

Let’s be honest here shall we?

You and your Commie buddies shit rings around yourselves if more than fifty of us show up together, at anyplace, at anytime.

What are you going to do when EIGHTY MILLION of us decide we have had enough?

Nuke us?

Call out the F-15’s?

No, you are all going to run as fast as you can and hide in the deepest hole available.

You talk a lot of shit old man.

All you Commie bastards do.

And every single one of you is scared to death that we might decide enough is enough someday and decide to come to see you.




Just wait until next year when your little Holodomor gets going full swing.

THEN, you are going to see some extremism.

I can’t hardly wait for it to park right in your front yard either.

Better start fencing it off again now.

14 thoughts on “Allow Me To Repeat Myself Joe, I’ll Speak Slowly

  1. And this does not include what we do not know of their planning for the immediate future, which is the next 4 weeks, although all of us that comment here and elsewhere can guess accurately on the overview of their evil.

    FJB and all his insane sycophants.

  2. It’s not the government that’s going to be the problem-it’s going to be the dependent class heading for the suburbs when the EBT’s stop working and there’s no more stores left to loot in the local urban area. Barbarians at the gate redux.
    Then the troops come in to “restore order” after suburbanites start stacking bodies.
    A game that’s been played countless times, but those ignorant of history are ignorant of much.

  3. Sir Phil – you have spoken volumes with this short post! ‘Specially the “commie bastards” part. A man after my own heart (black flag and all). Is it possible we were somehow split up at birth, and were moved to opposite corners of the country? ;-} There’s seemingly an awful lot of similarities, not least of which is being gearheads – although methinks you’ve got the lead on that part (not by much, though)! Olde pharte that I am, I’ll still do things for myself as often as I’m able – sometimes even when I shouldn’t. These dam injuries SUCK, so does this dam fixed income crap!!! It ain’t the age, Bro., it’s the mileage! My best wishes for your many projects.

    Y’all take care!!,

    • I hears ya. If’n I can get the parts, I have the tools, ability, and knowledge to fix it. My cantankerous old body may (and does!) complain, but I’ll get it done eventually!

  4. the big problem is most people will follow the new rules and drink the kool aid.
    yesterday, at the VA, DAMN near everyone was wearing a worthless mask.
    guys who should know better. there where a few old bastards like me who did not have or wear the fucking useless thing/rag on their mug. but not many.
    critical thinking is not as common as we would like to think.
    sheep is what comes to mind when I see them.
    this is not going to end well for the sheep.

  5. I’ve yet to figure out which is worse.
    The Democrats million ideas…or the the Republican bastards lack of any.

  6. Thanks for voicing what needed saying. This douchebag motherfucker in the oval office has shown his true colors and thrown down the gauntlet. The destruction of America, OUR America has begun and WE must ultimately decide whether to blindly follow the leader to our destruction or take the risk our forefathers took. Patrick Henry said it best – “…is life so dear OR peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” I will NOT submit, I will NOT comply. This rat bastard has declared war on at least half of OUR country, I now look forward to returning the favor, WITH INTEREST! FJB!

  7. They control the rule breakers. They are terrified when the law abiding citizen steps outside of the matrix.

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