11 thoughts on “Ain’t that the truth!

  1. Best pets I’ve ever had have ALL been rescues.
    Matter of fact, ALL pets I’ve ever had have been rescues.

  2. Dogs yes.
    Cats no. There’s a reason Karen couldn’t take it anymore.

  3. Sounds like all y’all here are “rescue”-type of people!

    Rescue people are good people, IMHO.

    • Agreed Igor! First two labs were pups, the third was a lab rescue and ended up being the sweetest of the bunch. Although it took him many years not to duck and blink when I reached down to pat him on the head. Fuck the fucks who abused him. So sad! And his seizure disorder only lasted a year till he realized he was in a loving home. Spoiled him rotten did I!

  4. yup. and they know when they have found their home too.
    problem is when they leave, they make a huge hole in your life.

  5. yes they are my latest is an Alaskan Huskey who failed at being a sled dog. She does have a few idiosyncrasies but she is a good and peaceful dog. I want more of a watch dog like the Weimeraner had me down i got the previous rescue.

    Ken over at Knuckledraggin https://ogdaa.blogspot.com/2023/03/friday-gifdump.html always has good dog stuff. These are his daily gifdumps that are also good. He had a great post on a dog cemetery, i had some computer problems so lost all my RSS feeds. Ken has lots of rescues.


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