12 thoughts on “Ain’t that the honest truth!

  1. Yes..!!! Garth Brooks had a hit with “Unanswered Prayers” which says “some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” and that is so true….

  2. My HS girlfriend has no internet signature. I was 60 and bumped into her. She got a finance degree and worked at a brokerage house for 10 years. She retired at 32 with a 7 figure 401k and 7 figure bank account. She has just dumped husband number 4. I dodged a bullet with that one.

    First college girl friend was a trust fund baby. She was slumming, trying to PO her parents by dating me. Her father and I connected as we were both gearheads. He told me to run as his daughter would be trouble for me. She dumped me soon after I told her that we were too young to be making lifetime commitments. I was 19.

    Number 3, I have been with for 41 years that I connected with when I was 22.

  3. After going to our 50th high skool reunion a few years back, that’s not something I have to think about. Without going into the details, it just confirmed to me that my wife and I were lucky to have worked thru a bad stretch in our marriage because the pickings were pretty slim.

  4. Looking at it from the other sides perspective, no on wanted to sleep with me in high school and that hasn’t changed.

    Extreme points for consistency if nothing else!

  5. Well, in The Lottery of Life I got lucky just before I turned 21. Didn’t date at all in HS or beginning College (nerdy type, y’know), and God placed the Perfect Woman right in front of me and told me She was The One.

    Coming up on 50 years this March. We’re both baggy and saggy, and so what? We fit each other quite well, thank you,,,

  6. This is why I have never gone to a class reunion. There were a lot of boys who broke my heart in college, and if I should ever cross paths with one of them again, I’d like him to be at least a little bit sorry… but that will never happen. They would take one look at me and thank their lucky stars they didn’t saddle themselves with me permanently.

    • Blue, you can’t be more hideous then some of us guys, and you permit me and Igor to post over in your back yard and you grace us by posting here!

  7. It takes a long time for some people to realize that high-school/college isn’t real life. Some never figure it out. The popularity contest that seems to consume everyone’s time and energy quickly fades once folks are concentrating on jobs, kids, and keeping a roof over their head.
    For most folks, Once reality sets in, your high school social status suddenly doesn’t matter. The jocks and prom queens have the same concerns and problems as the the rest of the folks. The ones that have the hardest time are those that base their entire outlook on their popularity in school. Nothing sadder than someone that tries to relive the big game, because they don’t t have anything else in their life to feel good about.

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