He was stupid long before the dementia hit and the only thing that elected him was a cheat code written into a bunch of election tabulators.
He was stupid long before the dementia hit and the only thing that elected him was a cheat code written into a bunch of election tabulators.
in the last “election” there was one old guy waiting in line to vote who kept saying over and over again how much of a waste of time this is now.
and after seeing “fester” winning the vote. I tend to agree with him.
I knew 2020 was fixed. had to be. Trump drew thousands to every rally
and dipshit stayed in his basement. the few times he did show up somewhere,
if there never was a hundred people there, other than guards and press.
take them away and you have what ? maybe 20-50 at best ?
but 2022 was a big “fuck you” to us from the clowns in charge
I’d love to lacerate my knuckles on his teeth. Worth the disease exposure.
How is it that federal, state and local governments aren’t allowed, because “proprietary”, to review the software on voting machines determining whether that software is correctly counting votes AND transmitting the counts OVER THE INTERNET to the proper place with no modifications in the tallies?
Why is it that a thumb drive is required to be inserted into the vote counting machines before the voting machine will operate?
Remember “hanging chad” from the 2000 FL election?
This is way worse.