5 thoughts on “Add in drip, drip of clap…

  1. Reported many times in my lab career: “Many gram negative intra and extracellular diplococci seen.” Neisseria gonorrhoeae, otherwise known as the clap.

    • Please show some cultural sensitivity, Greg! We’re talking about Chinese sex workers here, so don’t use the pejorative expression “the clap”.

      The appropriate term is “the CRAP”.

      • It’s been alleged that the reason we have antibiotic resistant NG is that the GI’s in ‘Nam would dose themselves with black market penicillin just enough to reduce the symptoms rather than going on sick call and getting the proper dose (a rather large bolus in the butt).
        A lesson for all of us: If you’re gonna take an antibiotic, take it as prescribed for the full dose and duration.

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