15 thoughts on “Add Another Reason To Get Good Skillets

  1. Reminds me of the video of some guy playing ” El Kabong” on some antifa assholes with a cast iron frying pan. Look it up , funny as shit.

  2. Whooee! Quick! Dumbocrats, you need a law on eliminating the possession and use of assault pans!! And where is PETA?

    • Doesn’t look like a crocodile, either; more like an alligator. Maybe it identifies as a croc.

  3. I had two gators behind me in another property in a 10 acre pond, when I lived in Southern Alabama. I was raising Boer goats for sale and the still born and dead kids and if deer got into my fencing I would shoot them as nuisance deer and after calling the Bubbas from around to help me skin and process it, I would wheelbarrow the fur, head, feet down to the pond and as I crested the small ridge to look where they were. If across the pond I would dump the remains on the bank, if they were on my side of the pond I would dump the load right there and hightail it back to my property and get behind a sold gate. Fuckers are mean and hungry and would eat me too as a main course.

      • yeah, I was a wondering why he had a pan outside anyway ?
        maybe going to fry something up on the grill ?
        I would think he should have grabbed something else to deal with that critter myself. I thinking a good shotgun might be a better idea. then too, there would be the mess of a dead gator to clean up.

        • I dunno, that solid “thwack!” was very soul-satisfying. Shotgun’s too easy and too loud.

          The whack to the tip of the snout sure got that gator highttailing it out of range as fast as his little legs could carry him!

  4. Dude was asking for it, wearing Crocs like that. Alligator was just filled with rage (Dat my Momma !!).

    Man, a skillet or small handled griddle will leave a mark and you can aim to maim with the flat side or go full bore hurt hitting with edge.

    I do agree a 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot would be an appropriate means of self defense

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