Adam Schiff Officially Censured For Being A Fucking Liar.

The fucking guy should be in jail for the shit he pulled during the phony Mueller Investigation.

A censure isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Adam Schiff is a fucking traitor.

14 thoughts on “Adam Schiff Officially Censured For Being A Fucking Liar.

  1. At least 500 of the 535 members of Congress are guilty of treason, probably more.

    • Schiffte shit, censure, BFD means nothing. When the heads roll off the guillotines then we are getting somewhere. Fuck that Faggot.

      • The question no Cali voter asks before casting their ballot is “would you buy a used car from this person”? I’m betting that if someone if did a forensic investigation of the votes cast for this lying POS, they’d find all kinds of fraud, just like in AZ.

  2. I would be HAPPY to donate the necessary projectiles to end this asshole.

    Maybe I can get a writeoff on my taxes?

    • Only if you claim remote IT assistance for minimizing disruption of the economy.

    • I’m opting for “the sun coming out at midnight from orbit” option. It’s the only way to be sure.

  3. Schiff is a liar but so is all Dems. The Media feeds on him and will not ever again be true Journalists. The Media is dying on TV and cable. Only the rare few lone Journalists that are out there reporting the news and what is happening in government.

  4. I’d get up off a fair amount of my favorite legal tenders to see video of this piece of shit getting railed by a squad of diseased sawbucks.

  5. I’d offer him just expulsion and probation if he’d flip and give up who paid him to lie. Then once he did that nail him on whatever he was doing on Epstein’s island and throw him in prison anyway.

  6. since this commie libturd is still alive all this paperwork to get him centered don’t mean a thing.

  7. Should hit him in the Benjamin’s to make it actually mean something. Have that pencil necked asshole pay back EVERY red cent his phony investigations cost us taxpayers. Then throw his lying, worthless ass in jail. FJB! FAS!

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