Since you are about 0 .02% of the population, we are going to stuff all you fucking freaks right back into the closet where you belong and slam the door shut.
We are going to get you out of our faces everywhere.
Like I said a hundred times, the pendulum always swings both ways and this last several years have seen it swing almost vertical to the left and now for every action, there is going to be an equal reaction, society is about to turn very hard right so best get used to it.
Bend over and take it like a man.
Ouch! No lube??
Ha-Ha! Dry dock, bitch!
I hope you are right but Trump screwed it up last time and we ended up with Slow Joe. Banning trannies is fine but If he doesn’t do the kitchen table stuff
like lower food and energy prices, we could end up with demonrats in control again.
So, it was Trump’s fault that the Demonrats STOLE the 2020 election by stuffing ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting at nursing homes and cemeteries and conducting ballot counting behind closed doors with no oversight while running one ballot through through the ballot counting machines hundreds of times?
Pam Bondi is going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the 2020 federal Presidential election was stolen and CONgress will be FORCED to enact new election laws outlawing all of the practices that allowed it to happen. She is going to put people in jail for violating election law.
Cutting off the Demonrats money laundering mechanism through USAID is just one avenue for securing federal elections in the future.
We The People will still need to remain vigilant so that the Demonrats can’t pull a repeat performance EVER.
Follow the Science They said
But only with regard to Climate
Which is also Not at all settled.
Men can get pregnant.
Forget biology.
I’m SickTaFukkinDEATH with this stupid shit.
Our Democracy?
And what Is Democracy?
Majority Rules,Right??!!
Then why are WE,the Majority
Supposed to alter our society, bend ourselves around Their delusions?
how about we nail the door shut this time ?
but one must remember it all part of a plan to destroy us. break our will
and make us bend to their madness . take masking for one.
did you really think a paper mask is going to save you ?
no. that is why they wear ‘space suits” in a biolab. yet every day you see sheep wearing a stupid mask.
the only way you can “win” in this game is not to play it with them.
better yet,, laugh at the stupid fucks.
I lived in Dallas for a couple of years while working at Love Field. Id make fun of the stupid fucks and my wife hated it.
yeah, I get the same deal from my wife. “just stop it”
kind of shit. but it does make the time pass and you get some giggles at the same time.
if you want to see real stupid shit, go to any home defect or blowe’s and sit in the parking lot and watch how some people
“try “to load stuff they just bought into their car.
weekends are the best time !
I would suggest using 4 inch decking screws all around the door. Better holding power.
Shut the fuck up, rug munchers, ass ninjas and trannys. Just shut the fuck up.
He didn’t ban you from sports. He banned you from women’s sports if you’re a man. He banned you from the military because you have mental health problems. He didn’t ban you from schools, he stopped you from whipping out your dick and peeing in the ladies bathroom. And he didn’t block your health care, he mandated an improvement to your health care.
Trans people have mental issues. Period.
Bad news Stacy…
Cue up the Carpenter’s “We’ve only just begun”.
Well Stacey, are you done yet. Reality isn’t that damm scary
No, we want to discuss your Adam’s apple
her bio claims to be a comedian and hates republicans, I have to say this post was funny but his audiences got to be pretty small as democraps can’t meme.
Having had a front row seat to what happens when you let the entire LGBTQwtfROFLMAO freak flags fly high, I am 120% in favor of pushing them back into the closet and nailing the door shut.
Mental illness requires treatment, not pandering or promotion.
trans people. Instead of fitting into society and living as who you purport to be you have decided to title yourself as ‘Trans’ and then demand ‘equality’. This is bullshit. You could have just lived your lives privately and enjoyed yourself. Now after demanding special treatment and also encouraging children to follow your path you are getting the just results of being on the fringe of society. The people are tired of catering to tiny minorities of potentially mentally ill people.