20 thoughts on “Absolute Panic

  1. So, what you are saying is:
    If I vote for someone I actually want to run the country, it is more dangerous than having someone you pick run the country? And that the way you want the country run is closer than what I want, to the Constitution? Yeah – fuck off you insufferable cunt.

    Her father should have shot her instead of Harry Whittington – TWICE!

    Whitehall, NY

      • Cheney is a miserable c-nut, and so is his daughter. Nearly all of that blood and money in Iraq is his doing.

  2. well, it looks like they about to shit themselves if he gets in. and there is a good chance he will too. people have had enough of this bullshit already.
    and thus time around, he not going to listen to the assholes who fucked him the last time. I always thought who in the hell is telling him to do some of the dumber
    things that happen. I still think that is why they went after General Flynn the wat they did. they HAD to get rid of him ! this time around should be better.

  3. Well, Liz, if you don’t want me to vote for President Trump, then give me a better choice.  A staunch Constitutionalist like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jay, Adams, Sherman, et. al. would be great.

  4. The next 12 months are gonna be SPICY, so make sure you have enough storage space (disk, tape, thumb drive, DvD) to save it all!

    How long before (p)Resident Poopy Pants falls off the edge? 6 months? Sure as hell ain’t gonna be a year!!

    • hard copy everything you want to save. I went thru 2 printers doing just that. it all in plastic holders in 3 ring binders on my bookcase.
      mom told me long ago, I don’t have to remember everything, just where the book on it is . mom had thousands of books too.
      I saved some that I could and printed off even more myself.
      and I also think we going to see a lot this coming year.
      the left has NEVER given up power easy. looks to get right sporty
      by next summer here. so, food, water (a must have item) and ammo. be a good idea to stock up on meds you may need and
      want. like maybe a few trauma kits ? blow out kits ?
      and don’t forget soap too. and find out how and where your neighbors stand on this as well. don’t want to get shot in the back now do we ?

  5. Obviously she is following the media, DNC, UNIPARTY script for the day or week or how ever long they plan to push it. Cheney is a waste and I am sorry we as tax payers continue to pay her salary each year for Congressional Salary.

  6. SSSOOOOO….the ONLY evidence she presents is HER FEELINGS…wwwaaahhhhcrysnivel.
    Oh My Gerd….what is wrong with these folks? Well, actually they are mentally unstable and easily indoctrinated. So that clip is what you get when an empty meat sack speaks for “der leader”.

  7. Last night, on ABC World News, the presenter, Peter Muir, (I won’t call him a “journalist” because he’s not, he’s a teleprompter reader with a sort of pleasing visage), taking Trump’s own declaration claiming he’ll become a dictator COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT during his Hannity interview the night before, told his audience that Trump claims he will declare himself dictator forever if elected in 2024.

    What Trump actually said was he’d be a dictator for a day, UNDOING ALL OF THE DAMAGE BRIBEM HAS DONE BY ISSUING EO’S TO PUT BACK IN PLACE ALL OF HIS 2016 POLICIES which lead to a record unemployment at all levels and cheap energy prices. Drill Baby Drill was one of his comments to illustrate his point.

    Unsaid and IMHO, he needs to fire ALL of the Joint Chiefs, everyone on their staffs and every general officer that doesn’t come attention, salute and exclaim Yes Sir! Right Away Sir! and keep firing people until he gets that kind of response from an officer in any of the services. That person should become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and make recommendations for other members from the rest of the branches.

    Tommy Tuberville has the right idea. He’s just using the wrong issue to base his hold on. Well maybe not the wrong issue. Maybe his issue should be gross incompetence at most all levels of the officer corps. This woke agenda BS in the military has to stop. It’s affecting the morale of serving members and killing recruitment. Yet, none of these starred officers will stand up, lay their star(s) on the desk and say ENOUGH.

  8. She is a fine example of what this country has become, a government run by power hungry assholes that aren’t worried about the people who made this country great.

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