4 thoughts on “About right! I lived in South Dakota for many years and that is how we felt about it.

  1. And yet a huge portion of our country wants to have that become our “51st state.” All because their false savior says so. Funny thing about that is, that has been a globalist wet dream for decades. Not to mention that would be another California, another Massachusetts, another Washington and Oregon. I don’t think you have thought it through. The place is full of fags, liberals and how many of you have ever seen the grift machine known as the natives and their corporations? You want all that for us? You know not of what you speak.

  2. Eh, who says we want Quebec ( even the French despise Le Quebequoise), we want Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. The Maritimes have potential but are neglected – make them an offer.
    Leave BC and Quebec as rump states.

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