14 thoughts on “Aaaand It’s Wednesday

  1. Today we visited my BIL who had a stroke a year ago and who, despite his shitehouse of a wife, is making slow progress.. When we got there he had fallen asleep watching BBC “news”. It’s the first time I’ve been exposed to it for 4king years and it won’t happen willingly again. It was absolute crap: woke, bland, pointless and, in a short break, self-justifying. For this we’re paying an unavoidable tax . . .

    • I stayed at my brother’s house recently for ten days and while I had my computer handy I would sit with him and watch TV and couldn’t believe the perversion that had infested TV. I haven’t had a broadcast TV hookup for twenty years. (No antenna or cable) I have a TV, but watch the old movies on DVD only. I couldn’t fathom the queers kissing and holding hands, the niggers that all but infested the shows and the multi-racial marriages and families. It was sickening! I am glad we don’t have to pay a tax on watching TV, I would have thrown out the TV altogether!

      • I pretty much said that same thing about a month ago after not seeing tv for a year. What was another thing that shocked me was that I had never heard about it either. All these blog sites and their commenters never mentioned it. Yet, most homes are paying big bucks to have that crap pumped in and everyone remains quiet on the subject as their brains turn to mush.
        It’s called the idiot box for a reason.

        • My brother laughed at me the first night I was at his place and front of the boob tube and saw two male twins, both gay in flamboyant pink suits on Jeopardy reach over and exchange tongue recipes when they won a paltry sum and the shock on my face and the words that parted my lips. I felt as naïve as hell and had Righteous Indignation…

          On another note, were you still gonna call me after getting settled?

        • Whenever I go into someone’s house and they have regular TV on, I automatically assume they’re an idiot.
          Or part of the problem. Or both. I don’t know, but I feel more stupid after watching.
          They did studies back in the 1950’s that correlated TV watching with decreased brain activity. As in, when you’re watching, your brain is in the same condition as a deep REM sleep.

      • …and the commercials are as bad or worse on the multiracial crap. If you are an extraterrestrial alien watching TV commercials for the first time, you’d think that all families are multiracial, white people are the minority and mostly white females married to black or dark brown males.

        The few programs I watch, except for some news programs, none of which are on “regular broadcast channels”, I DVR so that I can fast forward through the boolshit.

    • Read a story on that tax the other day.

      Not much better here Jannie. When channel surfing for the old westerns channel a few seconds is about all I can stand.

  2. Whatever the shitshow of the day is, it doesn’t matter in the big picture. Even the “limited modified hangouts” of the “nooz” are merely distractions from TPTB behind it all.
    For example, here’s a question I’m NOT seeing anyone asking: What (and/or more likely WHO) is behind the scenes in the Dominion/Fox brouhaha that absolutely could NOT be allowed to air in a court case? Fox settled out of court for a princely sum, and NOTHING is said about why? And canning Tucker will cost them between $60 and $100 mil for the next three years of his contract. Meh. That’s not chump change, but for the billionaire class it doesn’t even sting.
    It’s gonna be a long, hot, ugly summer for a lot of people. I just hope to stay far removed from the crossfire, and steadily convert more fiat bux into durable goods.

    • smart. I have being telling people for years now that “stuff” is better than money. with the coming food shortages and blackouts
      summer looks to get right sporty in the cities.

  3. I got rid of the boob tube over 30 years ago. never missed it. most thing are online now anyway. about the only time I even see TV is when I go to the VA.
    I used to bring earbud plugs with me to kill the sound so I wouldn’t have to listen to that drivel crap. when I worked for the VA, I did the same thing. slip in a cut off earbud plug to kill the sound. it was fun to watch them fuck with it to get the sound back. most of what I watch anymore is old movies, like 20-30 years ago or older.

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