Aaaaand, He’s Down.

Been sick.

No idea with what.

Started feeling shitty Monday afternoon and had a slight headache.

Then I started feeling queasy so I didn’t eat dinner.

Got up and went to work yesterday and stopped and got a couple of biscuits and gravy.

Two hours later I had to run and find a garbage can because I thought I was gonna puke my guts out but I only retched real hard .Still had the headache too.

I said Fuck This and came home.

Got here, took my shoes off and grabbed a throw blanket, didn’t even take my jacket off.

Kicked back in my recliner and was asleep in minutes.

Slept 4 hours, got up to pee and went to bed. Except for bathroom breaks I slept all day and all night. The alarm woke me up so I called in and went back to sleep again this morning.

Now my lower back aches from sleeping so much and I am weaker than a newborn kitten.

Still don’t feel very good and may just go back to bed again.

I did finally eat a small peanut butter cracker bar.

I do have a package I need to send off but I’m in no rush to do anything.

It’s gonna be up to CederQ to keep the joint open.

23 thoughts on “Aaaaand, He’s Down.

  1. Hope you get to feeling better.
    Sounds like the new ‘Vid, which, on the whole is a -good thing- ‘cos it means yer done w/it. Friend of the fam here had it… sounds identical to what you had. Just watch yer hydration bro.

  2. Phil, you haven’t been consuming anything *homemade* that you got from Cederq, I hope? After trusting him with the keys to the blog, you could get it back with four flat tyres and a blown transmission, you’d better keep checking on it whenever you partially surface from your sickbed.

  3. Hot black tea with honey was my gramma’s cure for that (and any cold), if you keep it down and hydrate it will pass quicker.

  4. Now that our trust in modern medicine has been so thoroughly trashed, it’s up to us to take any medical advice and research the hell out of it. I know you try to avoid doctors as much as Kevin and I do. I just put up a comment at Arthur’s place, and since it’s my comment, I think I’ll just copy-n-paste it here:
    Twice now, over the last three years, I’ve had a somewhat wierd cold; sore throat, nagging cough. I dosed myself with Ivermectin, and when the sore throat and cough started to go deeper into a bronchitis, I added a Z-pac (Azithromycin). All symptoms vanished in a couple of days. All the usual disclaimers here: I am not a doctor, anecdotal evidence only, YMMV, yada, yada, yada. I’ve never been tested for “Covid”, but there was a recent story that the vast majority of hospital deaths from “Covid” were actually from UNTREATED bacterial pneumonia. The theory being that the bioweapon that is “Covid” is a viral vascular endothelialitis that tears up the bronchial lining, allowing normal nasopharangeal bacteria to move in. The genocidal protocol of Remdesivir and intubation only force the pneumonia deeper.
    I avoid antibiotics whenever possible, because they are somewhat indiscriminate killers, and normal flora is essential for our health and immune function, but sometimes they can be just the ticket. I’ve gone to rather large expense to obtain stocks for long term storage. If our Chinese supply chains ever collapse, they will be beyond priceless.

  5. rest up. your body is telling you that. same deal, drink lots of WATER. eat what you can, if it stays down. eat some more. a lot of times, sleep is the best thing you can do. let your body repair itself. or try too.
    hope it gets better for you. you change or start new meds ?
    had that small problem when they changed mine a while back.

  6. Oh man, again? I was not prepared for this, let me think where I can get my hands on some memes that will surely turn some stomachs and bowels…

    Get better ya old fart! You don’t have the reserves to buck a bad flu. Don’t over do it, drink plenty of water and down some electrolytes if you can stomach it. Rest and reduce your stress level.

  7. Hot black tea with honey, lemon and a wee dram o scotch. Works every time. And stay hydrated.

  8. Sounds like the flu. Yeah, just have to ride it out, and I have no advice beyond what’s already here.

    And I can take anything CederQ can dish out.

  9. Aye, been 2 weeks and no relief from constant sinus pressure on the right side only making me fell nauseous. So bad one day I had to go home thought I had a migraine. Started anti biotics I had from dental surgery awhile back paired with Ivermectin. Seems to be relenting a bit on day 3 of treatment. I work at hospitals and I say avoid them if at all possible. The govt hates you and wants you dead.

  10. go to a health food store and get a bottle of quecertein and double up on it, call a vet and get some liquid vitamin b12. get a syringe and put 2ml of b12 on some bread and slather it with peannut butter and choke it down. you will fell like a teenager in no time

    • Why slather it on bread? You can safely inject that amount in a deep muscle. You eat it and most will be degraded by hydrochloric acid in your stomach. It will be metabolized more efficiently in an intramuscular injection.

  11. btw when my pigs get sick i give them the b12 the same way gives them energy and an appetite. they start eating and moving around again have any questions just email me

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