Aaaaaand, He Made It!

Damn, he was farther along his way than I thought.

I no more than hit the publish button on the last post and my phone rang.

He told me to come outside so he could finish backing up without hitting some assholes car that has been sitting out in the street for a month.

Behold, The Man hisself,

Cederq and his little friend Guido.

Ornery Fucker?

Whoo Boy!


He has a bunch of posts scheduled to keep you occupied so we are going to sit around and bullshit while the temps hit 100 or so later.

I already stretched a 100 foot extension cord out to his trailer so hopefully the circuit will hold up enough to run his A/C.

Guido is a hoot too.

Cute little fucker.

17 thoughts on “Aaaaaand, He Made It!

  1. Try not to drink too many amber colored beverages while catching up. Then again in the heat you have been living through you’ll probably sweat any alcohol content right out.

    Normal temps of 101 expected in in SW Idaho today, although the local stations are calling it a heat wave. One of the coolest summers I have seen in years.

  2. Guido–down here we call those Texas Fleas. Most relieved to hear they both made it.

  3. Get ready fellas, I’m telling the two of them together just might set off seismic events on the west coast. I’m so happy that there’s hundreds of miles and dozens of mountains between me and the ocean.

  4. Now we can end this shit show now that our two leaders are together and planning. What’s first boys.

  5. don’t you just love guests who bring their own bed !
    there a lot to be said for that. one of the reason why I moved is to get away from all that crap. I mean guests are okay for a day or two, after that they seem to get in the way or make me change my plans or something else.
    had my grandson up here for 2 weeks, it was fun for a while, but the kid eats like crazy (he is 14 now) and growing like a weed too.
    never realized how big he was until I had to move around him at times.
    house is a lot quieter now with him back home too. I swear that kid could drink 3-4 gallons of milk a week too. look for some for my coffee, and I end up driving to town to get more.

    • Not many follow the rule, “guest, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days”.

  6. Does he have a treadmill hooked up to the drive for Guido to expend her road rage? You can’t tell me that a dog of his, and a cranky Chihuahua to boot, doesn’t yap it’s head off when riding shotgun for Cederq.
    Is that Antifa blood spatter still on the glittery gaybar?

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