17 thoughts on “A Worthy Cause I Would Donate Heavily To

  1. Imagine being kidnapped & worked to death, then be rescued and set free but deciding to remain with your kidnapper anyway? What in the name of Stockholm Syndrome is this reasoning?

  2. What she fails to realize is that we were doing a lot better before you stupid MFs ever got here. We’ll be fine once you leave.

  3. Weapons-grade stoopid.
    Whata fantastic idea, sweetums. Give it a whirl, we won’t stop you. We also won’t accept you back in, either.

  4. I’m only a third generation American from an Irish family and most black people come from families that have been here a lot longer than mine. And by the way – The Irish immigrants were treated as bad if not worse than the African slaves. Also – I do not think of Ireland as “my own country” in any way shape or form.

    • No, the Irish couldn’t move on. They were slaves.
      Yes, families were separated and sold off to different owners. They were slaves.
      Yes, Irish women were used as sex slaves. They were slaves.
      Yes, Irish were beaten for not working fast enough or hard enough. They were slaves.
      Yes, Irishmen were tied down and abused. Severely. They were slaves.

      What part of “they were slaves” didn’t you understand?

      • I do understand the statement “they were slaves” but it is false. Irish slavery is a frequently debunked myth.
        A cursory web search would show that.

        Were some Irish mistreated? Yes, like each new nationality or ethnic group that arrived in this country.
        Do you understand the difference between mistreatment and slavery?

        Do you understand the difference between indentured servitude and slavery?
        Indenture was temporary. Slavery was for life. Indentured servants had rights. Slaves had no rights. Children were not born into indentured servitude and weren’t bought and sold.

        History …..it’s not just for school kids.

        • Skeeter, perhaps you need to read history, Irish history and the Brits that condemn them to “Indentured Servants.” I ignored your last diatribe about the Irish. I am not ignoring this one. Step back a mite and realize a lot of the old farts including me are of Irish extraction and we did read the history. So you might head over to Drudge Report and spout over there and dribble your white wash and gaslighting over there, they would eat it up.


  5. I can definitely do without black Drs, both times I had to see one they most killed me. First time he gave me blood pressure meds that were not recommended for Caucasians & the other time a different Dr said I had an bladder infection, it was Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick fever. That one almost got me.I will never see another.

    • Bob, I have three criteria for personal doctors:

      1) They need to be Board Certified so I know they’re on top of their game and putting in the effort to stay there.
      2) They need to be 5-10 years younger than me. Due to good genes my physical age is 5-10 years younger than my chronological age. I want a doctor that both knows the issues I’m having, as well as one that I won’t outlive.
      3) He must have small hands.


  6. “THEY” are after our equity, particularly its financial value. When they degrade city after city, the former equity, as dollar value, goes away.

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