16 thoughts on “A Win And A Loss, Kinda

  1. I have replaced about 2/3rds of the JD wiring harness on my L111. The reverse PTO cutout circuit has been eliminated as well as the headlight circuit. When I replaced wires I went with a larger gauge because that was what I had. Most of this was due to squirrels chewing on wires and electrical components. My key switch is starting to fail. I have to lift up to get the mower to shut down while turning off the key. This will be the second one since 2005. The switch that is the weak link on the L111 is the brake switch that has to be depressed that allows power to the starter relay. I am on my third one. The mounting clip breaks.

    • Friggen safety nazies, How did we survive running a lawn mower that didn’t shut off when ya didn’t have to hold the lever down?

  2. It’s not really your rig until you take out all of Bubba’s jury-rigs and kluges and install your own.

  3. Phil, I’m scratching my head wondering why you didn’t almost immediately swap the “good” engine into the “good” chassis and avoid all that headache??
    There’s just too much Bubba Engineering in the first one ya got.

    My Yard Machine mower will Kill the engine if you try to back up with the blade engaged, I’m seriously thinking of bypassing it.

    Personally, since I’m a Controls Engineer I’d rewire the doggone thing to work the way *I* want it to, and bypass about 75% of all the safety and lockout crap. But that’s just me.

  4. That axle spinning shot had me giggling, something fierce. At least it is an easy fix. I’d almost wager that it is completely missing and not sheared. Probably got lost after someone fixed a tire. I’ve seen it before.
    Now for that hair raising rpm issue you have. Good gravy that thing is over-taching! One thing I noticed was the fuel filter right up against the governor arm – or at least it looks like it is.
    The throttle cable shouldn’t work directly on the governor arm / throttle linkage. It should have a calibrated spring between the two.
    Here is a link to adjusting the linkage:

    Whitehall, NY

    • The fuel filter is in front of it. Thanks for that link, you are saving my bacon again!
      Since it snowed today and is supposed to all freaking week, it will be this weekend before I get back out there and thrash on the bastard again.

  5. Longtime lurker here. WTF ya gonna mow? All I see around there is dirt. Ya get a scraper blade w that thang, or a plow blade for the recent inch of globull warming that fell?

    • My Father In Law’s place has a HUGE yard. He’s 80 years old and has Old Timers pretty bad. There are only two boys in that family. My wife’s nephew who lives two hours away and our kid. I can’t even get him to mow ours so I’ll give you one guess as to who’s lap that fell into.

      • I hear ya. If ya own a pickup and some decent equipment (chainsaw, snow blower, table saw…) you’ll never run short of friends. You are a saint for filling in the gaps for others.

  6. Just from what I saw, it looked like the gearshift was in reverse. That shouldn’t matter if your butt was in the seat. But they won’ let you PTO in reverse. And god yes, those deck spindle bearings are shot and maybe an idler as well. Your gonna have to put a new deck belt on there too. They get burned spots on them when those bearings fail and then you get all kinds of vibration even with the new spindles. These riders, all of them, can be expensive to repair once they have been neglected. Most people can’t fix them or find out how expensive it will be and they just keep harsh fuckin them until there’s not a lot left to save. There may also be a deck safety switch. You may have to be in park to release the clutch and get off the seat. If you put the model # up here I’ll look for a wiring diagram, but JD can be proprietary about that stuff. I’m rootin for ya, and just tryin to help. Good luck.

    • It’s an STX38. I have found diagrams for the wiring. Part of The Shit That Bubba Did was too melt some of the fucking wiring. I’ve already had to cut some out and replace it. The seat switch wiring goes underneath the frame on top of the deck so I would have to take the deck off and tip the thing over to even see it.
      Screw that, I’ll just wire in a Kill Switch.
      That other deck is in much better shape anyway.
      I’m just waiting for the weather to cooperate. It’s felt like February here all damn week.

      • Well, the fact that you have 2 of them could make all the difference between this being a winner or a waste of time and money. Do your best to evaluate all of the parts and try not to get hung up trying to save something that is crap. In the end you need something reliable so you don’t have the hassle of repairing it every time you go to father in laws. Also a cheap trickle charger would be handy to have it on over there. Maybe a can of ether as well. Those tires always want to go flat so a small compresor or pump and put that sealer goop in them. Or I suppose you could just trailer it back and forth. But it might be better to just leave it there, and work on other stuff at home…

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