10 thoughts on “A white Christian, heterosexual man.

  1. A white, Christian, heterosexual man.
    A white, Christian, heterosexual, man.
    A white Christian; Heterosexual man.
    A white Christian/heterosexual man.

  2. I did not know that of Peterson, but I agree with WCHM because I am.

  3. Odd,

    He’s been married to a woman for around 40 years and has a daughter.

    I DO know he struggles with a Holy God, though.

    I don’t know what you’re talking about…

    • You sir, are correct! In my best Ed McMahon voice.

    • By that definition Joe Biden is the same as Jordan Peterson is the same as the mechanic at the shop is the same as George Soros.

      Your filter may be set a bit… loose.

      Then again since I was unable to sire offspring and only married 17 years so far I must be in league with Old Scratch himself.

  4. Limited Hang Out! Until you call out private central banking and those behind it FOAD!

  5. He’s unraveling day by day. He must not be getting any more checks from his overlords.

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