A True Story From Gorge’s Grouse, https://gorges-smythe.blogspot.com/

A little old lady from North Carolina had worked in and around her family’s dairy farm since she was old enough to walk, with hours of hard work and little compensation…

So when canned Carnation Milk became available in grocery stores, she read an advertisement offering $5000 for the best slogan/rhyme beginning with “Carnation milk is best of all ….”

She said to herself “ I know all about milking cows and dairy farms… I can do this!”

She sent in her entry, and about a week later, a black limo drove up in front of her house… A man got out and said, “Carnation LOVED your entry so much, we are here to award you $1000, even though we WILL NOT Be able to use it…

Here is her entry:

Carnation Milk

Is best of all, No tits to pull ,

No hay to haul,

No buckets to wash,

No shit to pitch ,

Just poke a hole

In the Son-********

6 thoughts on “A True Story From Gorge’s Grouse, https://gorges-smythe.blogspot.com/

  1. The true spirit of America still resides with the heartland. That attitude is alive and well today, just hope the so called “elites” realize it before the fuse is lit.

  2. Awesome, thankfully a friend of my wife owns a dairy just a few miles away if need be.

  3. And with my miniscule experience with milk cows, she’s absolutely right. Though I grew up on the farm [and still live here] my only experience with milking was when I was 17 and my aunt and uncle went on vacation and I helped [mostly hindered] with milking his five cows by hand. I milked the old three titted cow who was as patient as could be and it still took me longer than the two people milking the other two cows. And my hands hurt for a week after.

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