7 thoughts on “A road flare for me…

  1. It too, in your butt, Cederq? At least it’ll be a mortis test, that’ll get the most somnambulant drunkard up and moving. Sure you wouldn’t rather a mug of coffee passed under your nose, or bacon frying?

  2. I have a better idea, drag my dead ass down to someone else boat. toss me on,
    dump a few gas cans around me and cut it lose. after it gets about 10 feet or so away. toss on a road flare. Tried to put that in my will, but my lawyer just laugh with me for about 2 minutes or so and said no.
    but he did say it was one of the better ones he has heard people ask for.
    damn shame too as the is a big ass lake nearby. I would have thought people would like to see something like that as it getting dark.

  3. When I go, stuff my vertical carcass headfirst into a hole without chemicals. Wrapped in a tow sack with some bailin’ wire holding stuff together. Let the gut bugs do their job.

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