A Red Neck Recycling Hack

Found this over at Non- Original Rants and it brought back some memories so I thought I would share a personal life hack that I learned way back in the late 70’s.

A quick way to sort the glass beer and whiskey bottles from the aluminum beer cans in the back of your truck is to get out on the highway and speed up to 70 mph.

At that point the aluminum cans will start floating around in the air and one by one will fly out the back of the truck onto the road, leaving the glass bottles behind.

That’s how I used to clean them out of the back of my truck back in the day.

You’re welcome.

11 thoughts on “A Red Neck Recycling Hack

  1. Always like and respect the content here, but purposely getting rid of your trash like that is straight up BS white trash. My wife and I frequently go for walks on our backroads around here and the beer cans and junk along the road is worse every time. If you’re too lazy to gather them and throw them out just do the rest of us a favor and keep drinking until you never regain consciousness. Sorry, not sorry

  2. No sense of humor this morning?
    That was forty some years ago dude.
    It was a time and place that doesn’t exist anymore and this post was supposed to be tongue in cheek humor.
    I quit drinking eleven years ago anyway.

    • Fair enough. In retrospect it came out way harsh but It’s just a pet peeve of mine at this point. And yes I was a dumb kid once too. Sorry for the disrespect.

      • I’m 200 miles in the middle of nowhere Alaska. Not 30 minutes ago I’m driving down a dirt road/ goat trail and there’s a wooden kitchen table laying upside down in the road. You’re going to get that everywhere you go.

  3. With my ’94 Ford ranger with the back window open the empty 24oz. cans would come from the bed, pirouette in front of my face , then out the driver’s window. Hilarious. Exact speed varied between 55 and up depending on road conditions: straight, left curve,rt curve.

  4. My brother and his buddy got their extra spending money by picking up pop bottles out of the bar ditches around town.  The whiskey and beer bottles became targets—rocks, home-made slingshots, BB guns—and every once in a while, Dad would take us out to an embankment to do target practice with the .22 and such.

  5. remember cocking the wing windows up wide open at 70+ and cleaning out the cab. and what the hell happened to wing windows ?, i loved em. we didn’t need A/C.

  6. to stomp the brakes real hard when you came across a roadblock, or leave the road and tap a tree would clear the bottles from under the seat. i have found things that i didn’t know i had that way, bottles, dead squirrels , etc.

  7. Madeley Heath Motors is in Newcastle, England. So, this might be the origin of this strange ritual in the old country!!

  8. Back in the 80’s I had a truck that the fuel mileage would drop out of double digits if driven faster than 55. The beer cans were collected, crushed, and stored in a drum. When the drum was full it went to the recycle center where the proceeds could fill the truck with gas and get another case of beer.

    I think I have had 4 beers in the past 10 years.

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