A Question For My Readers, Because You Know It’s Coming,

Are you going to let them lock you down and play the mask/Vaxx game again?

Just wondering how much company I am going to have.

Because I for one and The Wifely Unit for another, have had just about enough of the crazy at this point already.

46 thoughts on “A Question For My Readers, Because You Know It’s Coming,

  1. With elections on the horizon for both the United States and Canada, lockdowns are pretty much guarandamnteed.
    Both the Democrats in the US and the Communists-Liberals in Canada know that far more than three quarters of the population want to see them all hang en masse. With that, the mail-in vote will be critical for both to win – the Liberal Government has been making overtures about the benefits of voting by mail for “remote regions,” when you know they consider any place where you can find a tree as remote.
    The virus will be released.
    Then the lock downs will begin.
    Then after they have jailed-secured-locked down enough of the population, they will announce “adjustments and improvements to voting to ensure deomocracy.”
    Only after that, will they begin the vaccine rollout, and only for specific areas (read that as Left-wing strongholds.)
    Election is over.

  2. I guess they have already named the next variant. Eris – after the Greek goddess of trojan horses.
    Update edit: Goddess of strife and discord. Her part in the start of the Trojan war.

  3. The ONLY reason I will wear a mask now is if the wildfire smoke/air pollution becomes intolerable. Hasn’t happened yet, but some days the air is pretty thick. We have some KN95s squirreled away just in case.

  4. Didn’t stop me from doing anything last time, won’t stop me the next time. I’m just as willing to use force to live my life.

    • same here. only wore a mask when I went in a business or office when they asked me to. We had church from week one. Not even 14 days to slow the spread.

      • I had to wear one when I got called for Federal jury duty. Easy enough to get kicked off the pool since the ATF was involved and I told the judge that there was no way in hell I’d rule in favor of those unConstitutional asshats. She knew I had no problem with a hung jury or full nullification and didn’t want to try me.

    • Yep, I had no change in anything last time.. don’t expect any change next time.

    • I suspect a denial of neccessary medical treatment over specious regulation to be in violation of a raft of laws.

      Last time, the doctor’s office was the only place I wore a mask. This next time, nope, not even there.

  5. So often did I get into “trouble’ last time for not wearing a mask that it became a game to me.

    This time around I won’t wear a mask even at the doctor’s office. (That was the only place I wore a mask.)

    BTW: not wearing a mask allowed me to be a witness to others. Fr’stance, while grocery shopping, a couple of young men (wearing masks) thanked me for ‘being so bold’. My response was to give a bit of comparitive history (soviet union Vs Americanism) then to put to them, You are Americans. Embrace your freedoms, don’t let others dictate to you. That a lighjt went on in their minds was pleasing. But that they hadn’t thought that way at all was discouraging. In fact, one said, I hadn’t thought that way. Smh

    • I wasn’t locked down, having an “essential ” job & no mask, bfytw!! I am expecting same soon. If not, karma be loosed.

  6. I will not comply.

    No mask, no “vaccine”.

    Whatever the variant is, just give me that instead.

  7. Nopetty-nope.

    They don’t work either then or now.

    I *do* have a respirator I use for automotive painting. but seldom use that because I try to paint outside.

  8. NO!
    It’s easy to not comply; simply tell them you cannot wear a mask for health reasons.
    Shuts them right the fuck up because they know they can be sued PERSONALLY if they force you and you have a “condition”.
    So what if you don’t have a “condition”? They don’t know that. Last time around I was in and out of medical facilities and they left me alone, except for the Karen stares.
    As for so called “vaccinations”?
    FUCK NO! With a double fuck you on top.

  9. Lockdowns only work if We The People are cowed into them. Guess what? Ain’t gonna be a version 2.0 of that shit.

    Estimating that 66% or more won’t give a rat’s fart for any such measures and then there is the little matter of trying to enforce it on 200 million plus.

  10. nope. didn’t play that game last time. the only time I worn a mask was at the VA (?)
    funny how damn near all of the military goes thru NBC training but forgets it afterwards ? and the vax bullshit ? never. they never made a flu shot that worked, but for this virus they have ? yeah, right.
    better than even odds that they will try to pull the same shit in 2024. but I wonder how well it is going to work ?
    with the coming food shortages and prices going thru the roof they might use the weapon of tyrants everywhere. FOOD.

  11. I will not comply. I never took the bioweapon shots. I played the stupid mask nonsense last time to get along despite knowing masks are useless. I will not play along anymore. I also have ivermectin and HCQ if needed. I have lost any trust in our agencies (CDC, FDA and many others)

  12. As far as I’m concerned they can shag themselves with a ragman’s trumpet. It’s got to the stage that it’s impossible to believe a word that comes out of the msm or the “government” so I will carry on unvaxxed and unmasked and be ready for the entertaining confrontations.
    Mind you, I look around me and see plenty of sheeple who will roll over.

  13. F.A.F.O. We, (the wife and me) won’t last long in a fight but we will make it personal
    to the one that comes knocking at our door.
    If you get my drift……..

  14. All cause mortality went up 20% with Covid and up another 20% with release of the vax. It is still up by 18% based on last thing I saw. I don’t know it was released on purpose but patents filed around the spike protein and the timing are highly circumstantial evidence to say yes, as well as all the money the gov’t dumped on pharma and election timing.

    Most people who died of Covid were Vitamin D deficient. Vit D is extremely important to your immune system. Whatever they release next Ivermectin may not work, but supporting your immune system will. (Look up Vit D, K2 and C as well as zinc). AND get OUTSIDE!

    Masks proved not to work in the 1980’s. I still see a few out and about at stores. Most N95’s aren’t properly fitted and so aren’t N95.

    Where I the Evil SOB In Charge I would release something deadlier next round. But we have lots of impending crises, don’t have to go the virus route. Cause a huge fuel shortage (My voting center is 1.5 miles, easy walk but I do around 8 miles a day at work) but how many would walk rather than mail in? Crime! Evil Republicans (They really are the Evil half of the Uniparty) beating up people at polling centers, only safe way is to vote remote. I’m pretty sure they are figuring out the Parliamentary rules to use to pull the nomination out from Trump and give it to a RINO. We’re still on the kiddy rides boys and girls.

    • “All cause mortality went up 20% with Covid”
      I don’t know where you get this number, but it’s wrong. Most of the “Covid deaths” reported were fraudulent hospital reports, as well as deaths caused by Remdesivir and intubation. They were also testing people with PCR tests, which have as many false positive results as not.
      We’ll never know the true numbers, but what we do know is that in 2020 and 2021 there were zero flu deaths as per the CDC, which is a statistical impossibility.

  15. Still see people wearing masks alone in their cars……there are enough people who will willingly comply that the media will be able shill for the gobt and “show” significant compliance that it will again make the majority uncomfortable enough to reluctantly comply and lockdown/mask/vax 2.0 succeeds. It’s social influencing…..and sadly, it works.
    While there will be more who are going to say no this time, most people generally have not the moral integrity to do the right thing when it is difficult or painful to them. We need some form of media outlet which counters the narrative, has national reach and isn’t tin foil hattish…..and that simply isn’t there today.

  16. I’m gonna be the devils advocate here, further down.

    Here’s one example of how infectious the latest ERIS variant is:

    Last week I was talking to a neighbor in the yard. She was never less than 20 feet from me. She told me she and her boyfriend both had Covid as confirmed by swab testing. They had just returned from vacationing in FL via airplane. The tests were the at home kind, so maybe not reliable, if what I’ve read about them is even half way true. Anyway they were both visibly ill, lethargic and sniffling while out with their dog. I don’t know if they are jabbed. I didn’t ask.

    The next day I had symptoms similar to when I had Omicron two Christmases ago. Itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat, feverish, no energy. When I felt my throat getting sore, I gargled with mouth wash several times during the morning and doubled up my Vit C intake from 500mg 2X to 500mg 4X along with a double dose Vit D. At the end of the day my symptoms had abated.

    As to masks, I’d rather not comply. However, if businesses, like grocery stores, require them as mandated by local city/town health departments; which is what they did during the last lockdown, are you going to NOT grocery shop until the mandate is lifted? That could be for an entire year or more based on the last round. Do you have preps to last that long? How about going to the bank or the post office or Wallymart or Home Despot? Think they’re going to let you into their stores without a mask?

    Do you have enough like minded friends who will either refuse to comply or take out local and state government “officials” for imposing this BS on us again? That’s the ONLY WAY to get these assholes to recognize that we’re NOT complying with this BS again.

    However, short of that, how does anyone propose to make them change their minds and leave us alone?

    Now I’m not advocating that “officials” need to be killed. I’d actually propose a nationwide strike, including every .gov worker, and everyone in the streets like they do in France and Germany.

    Ask yourself, how many of our countrymen would join?

    They did it once for “three weeks to shorten the curve” that lasted for over a year and they’ll do it again, if we let them, if there are no consequences.

    • Nemo, you go into the store. You go about your business. You ignore their haranguing and harassment as they follow you through the store. You don’t argue, you ignore them while wearing a smile. You don’t answer about your health, doctor’s orders, or some made up medical condition. You plow through the BS by completely ignoring it.

      If they say leave or be trespassed, you leave. Until then, you go about your business.

      Every bit of the above I did every step of the way last time.

      Most don’t believe the crap themselves, they only do it because their boss told them to.

      If you do say something more than hello, let them know they have lost another happy, regular customer.

      BTW: Walmart didn’t try to stop any customer. Their employees were told not to. They did park an employee at the entrances to offer a mask. I simply said, Hi, no thanks, and kept on walking.

      This next time will be harder on the evil perpetrators. It will be more difficult because now their methods have been exposed for what they are and to a much greater number of people. Plus the severe illnesses and deaths because of the not-a-vaxx. More people see it all as wicked dystopian politics.

      So move forward, be an example to the more timid, and live your live unfettered. Embrace your humanity, your right to life.

      Compliance with the wicked ensures their continuation.

      • Also, Rule .308 to answer your last question.

        Because they won’t stop on thir own. And very few, if that, will listen to reason.

      • Rick – that’s exactly what I did – ignore the fuks, go about my business. I was Hoping one of them would lay a Hand on me, particularly in the Grocery Store with 3 Cameras in every Aisle. I guess I was too Ugly for them to try. Had real Fun at the Ophthalmologist, went in to get a new Prescription and lenses, staff at the Counter began Screeching “Wear a Mask”, so I went back to my Truck, put on the M17 NBC Respirator and the Hood, went back in. Asked if they could make new Lenses for the special Frames that go in that Mask. They had to give up.

  17. i won’t, we won’t…problem is, the vast majority will, again and again
    bet your ass it will be swift and more stringent, especially if t-word gets the vote despite the fraud & rigging
    what a shame that in modern times like these the important things in life devolve into toilet paper and hand sanitizer

  18. I didn’t the first time. Got groceries at the only store that didn’t require masks, only masked if I had to go over to the hospital. Won’t comply with any of it the next time either.

  19. They cannot legally “mandate” anything. It’s a fucking suggestion, to which I will politely decline.

  20. There is very little ‘society’ has to offer me these days, as I’m self sufficient and live well within my means with zero debt. Good luck to those that choose to try and ‘lock’ me down…it won’t end well for them.

  21. Millions of us but the media blast would make you think almost none of us. They are in the throws of the first half of FAFO and are becoming more paranoid by the day. Wait till the ballon goes up. Eric Schmidt thinks he is at the top of most lists.

  22. I only masked up because my employer. The wife and daughter both git Pfizer jab twice. My wife brought the Delta variant home to share with me. Nine months later my daughter brought me the subsequent variant.

    I noticed the larger the city, the greater the compliance. The smaller towns and countryside did not comply.

  23. Echoing what many have expressed, didn’t play the game last time and won’t this time.

    I think I wore a mask three times last time and that was at the VA, where I couldn’t get in for my apt without a mask on. This time around if they require a mask I’ll skip the apt.

    They can go fuck themselves with a running chainsaw, sideways.

    Oh, and Fuck Joe Biden


  24. The only masks I wore were cut up pairs of my wife’s old panties. Even had a blue lace pair for special occasions. Mock them at every opportunity. Only a few people ever had a problem. Never had my picture taken as much either,lol.

  25. Didn’t play that shit last time, won’t this time.
    My county imposed a ‘mask mandate’. It was quietly forgotten after a couple of days. This is a rural county. Try to lock up a bunch of farmers, hunters, & general rednecks, and they’ll disassemble your jail for you.
    Fuck ’em. No Notavax, no mask.

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