13 thoughts on “A PSA For The Ladies

  1. Bravo! If more stay at home women understood this simple marriage dynamic, there’d be a lot less divorce in the world.

  2. We never got the “Wait’ll your father gets home” crap, Mom (rip) was more than willing to dispense justice on the spot so the old man would come home to a peaceful home after working all day.

    • That was the one thing my father told my mother when they got married he did not want to hear because he was a victim of that statement. She was to take care of it at the time of the infraction.

  3. Truer words have never been spoken. My father worked all day went to night school to get a degree and held several part time jobs while doing this. When he would get home my mother would greet him with screams of do you know what your asshole son did today. The beating would begin and last until he was too tired to continue. I hated that MF for most of my life, but I became a better man. I have never laid a hand on any of my children and I tell them every chance I get I love them, and they were still raised properly. Just back the fuck off and let us breath.

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