7 thoughts on “A no brainer, test later.

      • I claim that unicorns don’t exist.

        I do not need to believe in unicorns to claim this.

  1. No, rational athiests pray that the others are both wrong. If either of the others are right, the athiests are going to get a pounding and then be part of a Babalonian barbeque.

    • But Christians AREN’T wrong. So atheists can go ahead and plan on getting that pounding in hell for eternity. That’s a long time to suffer for stupid decisions. Jews will find out the hard way, too, because the Messiah already HAS come once, and He will be back. Can’t say y’all weren’t warned…..

  2. I know of no Christian waiting for the Beast. We are waiting for the return of Christ for the Church, then his return to earth to destroy the Satanic system and rule.

    There is no such thing as a rational atheist.

    • Got news for y’all, the AntiChrist is already here, Additionally, you can be perfectly rational and still be wrong.
      As for Jews waiting for their Messiah, he already came and they chose to not recognize and then crucify Him Once they recognize this, it will go well with them.

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