19 thoughts on “A Lesson You Will Never, Ever, Forget

  1. It looks like he had a spring compressor tool sitting right next to him, yet he thought that he could somehow hold it back with his feet? Time for a new career path, I suggest an entry level position in the fast food industry. Definitely stay away from the bomb disposal field.

  2. isn’t there some rack/holder kind of thing for that ?
    I think I saw something like that at one shop where a guy was doing that.
    kind of looked like a small press or something ?
    but there is a lot of stupid in the world today. Darwin has bein slacking on the job.
    but you right about him not having a dumb ass kids.

  3. Whoever was filming was counting down, instead of saying “Ya know, that may be a bad idea”.

  4. Well, a vasectomy is less pain, but this is far cheaper. In one respect, anyway. He’ll be peeing blood for a week!

  5. You know, one of the first things a guy learns, usually without the pain, is to keep the plums out of the line of fire, for anything.

    And you treat springs like guns, keepin your gob 180 degrees from where it’s expected to go off.

  6. I call bullshit, at least on him getting hit in the family jewels. If so, he’d be crippled, not hopping up and doing a funny dance. Doesn’t mean that he isn’t a dickhead though.

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