Back when I was a young, nerdish boy, I had a He-Ne scientific laser at about 400 milliwattsand would get my mom’s and sister’s cat actually climbing the walls and people with that red laser, they went ape shit and would piss my mom and sister off playing with them.
13 thoughts on “A good reason to have cats!”
back around 1993 or so, I was working X-ray at the HUP . 3rd shift.
anyway, one night. the guy comes in clawed almost to death. and the cops brought him in. story was he broke into this girls place and the “cat” got him.
he dad got her a OCELOT cat. the cat was outside with the girl in a cop car.
from looking at the guy, it looks like the cat jumped him and bit his neck a few times. and also clawed the shit out of his back, arms and legs.
the cat seem okay, the girl was trying to clean him up. he had blood all over his face and paws. seem like a nice cat though. and from what I heard, the cat was up on all of his shots too,, but the “brother” lost a lot of blood that night.
we heard later that the girl and her cat where not charged with anything.
I guess her dad knew what he was doing when he got her that “cat” before she went away from home to go to school.
No sympathy here for the perp. That story is just funny.
funny, we did have any for the perp either. big 6 foot plus hood rat in his 20-30’s . and he kept screaming about the monster that attacked him too. the cops asked the staff to knock him out to shut him up. they did. some fast acting stuff
that would pass inside of 4 hours.
for all we know, he started screaming again after it wore off.
must have being fun in the round house
one very good reason to have a few cats around is they keep the critters down.
we have 10 around here that I feed. started with 4 of them 6 years ago.
we put some food out to keep them around and keep the mice a bay.
well, that part worked, but they started making kittens. so we got 12 of them fixed
lost 2 over the years to something (?) but they have done their job very well since
they kill everything they can, birds, lots of field mice. squirrels when they catch one
they have wipe out the purple martins here. she has named every one of them too. some are kind of tamed. the 2 older ones are getting to know we not going to hurt them. my closest neighbor has mice, bad. he hates cats.
I hear his wife bitches about the damn mice all the time to him.
A green pocket laser belongs in everyone’s personal self defense kit. Most excellent stand off device. If you don’t want to cut your knuckles, right out of the gate.
I’ll have to one-up you, CederQ – my brother and I built a Xenon flashtube-pumped synthetic ruby laser that put out somewhere between 5 to 15 KW – we never could figure out or measure the true output. Just building the power supply was a technical challenge for a couple of teenagers.
Dad busted the crystal when he found all the craters in the basement walls – and my brother and I were extremely lucky no specular reflections hit us!! Not that we fired it too often, but still…
I am one-upped! I bow to you Igor.
I tried building a helium-neon laser as a high-schooler in 1966. Entered it in a science fair but I could not make it laze. Didn’t use the right mirrors I think.
Pity, because the HeNe CW lasers were available for $100 (or thereabouts) in ’69 – it was 5mW. Had to build your own power supply, but car coils were dirt cheap and easy to modify…Modulating it was a bit trickier though.
Cederq that gave me some serious belly laughing my ass off. I think it will last all day.
Yours to Igor and Dave. Damn sure wish we would have that meet up to sit around a fire and tell those stories and shoot at spy balloons.
ever hear about some assholes firing a tennis ball cannon at a east German guard tower ?
or stuffing the 5PM cannon with tp and a can of beer
anyway, I know nothing !!! nothing, I say.
I had a dog that would go nuts and jump on the little dot it would make. One day I aimed it at my brother-in-law’s crotch. She nailed him.
back around 1993 or so, I was working X-ray at the HUP . 3rd shift.
anyway, one night. the guy comes in clawed almost to death. and the cops brought him in. story was he broke into this girls place and the “cat” got him.
he dad got her a OCELOT cat. the cat was outside with the girl in a cop car.
from looking at the guy, it looks like the cat jumped him and bit his neck a few times. and also clawed the shit out of his back, arms and legs.
the cat seem okay, the girl was trying to clean him up. he had blood all over his face and paws. seem like a nice cat though. and from what I heard, the cat was up on all of his shots too,, but the “brother” lost a lot of blood that night.
we heard later that the girl and her cat where not charged with anything.
I guess her dad knew what he was doing when he got her that “cat” before she went away from home to go to school.
No sympathy here for the perp. That story is just funny.
funny, we did have any for the perp either. big 6 foot plus hood rat in his 20-30’s . and he kept screaming about the monster that attacked him too. the cops asked the staff to knock him out to shut him up. they did. some fast acting stuff
that would pass inside of 4 hours.
for all we know, he started screaming again after it wore off.
must have being fun in the round house
one very good reason to have a few cats around is they keep the critters down.
we have 10 around here that I feed. started with 4 of them 6 years ago.
we put some food out to keep them around and keep the mice a bay.
well, that part worked, but they started making kittens. so we got 12 of them fixed
lost 2 over the years to something (?) but they have done their job very well since
they kill everything they can, birds, lots of field mice. squirrels when they catch one
they have wipe out the purple martins here. she has named every one of them too. some are kind of tamed. the 2 older ones are getting to know we not going to hurt them. my closest neighbor has mice, bad. he hates cats.
I hear his wife bitches about the damn mice all the time to him.
A green pocket laser belongs in everyone’s personal self defense kit. Most excellent stand off device. If you don’t want to cut your knuckles, right out of the gate.
I’ll have to one-up you, CederQ – my brother and I built a Xenon flashtube-pumped synthetic ruby laser that put out somewhere between 5 to 15 KW – we never could figure out or measure the true output. Just building the power supply was a technical challenge for a couple of teenagers.
Dad busted the crystal when he found all the craters in the basement walls – and my brother and I were extremely lucky no specular reflections hit us!! Not that we fired it too often, but still…
I am one-upped! I bow to you Igor.
I tried building a helium-neon laser as a high-schooler in 1966. Entered it in a science fair but I could not make it laze. Didn’t use the right mirrors I think.
Pity, because the HeNe CW lasers were available for $100 (or thereabouts) in ’69 – it was 5mW. Had to build your own power supply, but car coils were dirt cheap and easy to modify…Modulating it was a bit trickier though.
Cederq that gave me some serious belly laughing my ass off. I think it will last all day.
Yours to Igor and Dave. Damn sure wish we would have that meet up to sit around a fire and tell those stories and shoot at spy balloons.
ever hear about some assholes firing a tennis ball cannon at a east German guard tower ?
or stuffing the 5PM cannon with tp and a can of beer
anyway, I know nothing !!! nothing, I say.
I had a dog that would go nuts and jump on the little dot it would make. One day I aimed it at my brother-in-law’s crotch. She nailed him.