A couple of long time readers have requested my take on certain vitamins and supplements.

I have spent some time researching vitamin D and the dumpster rabbit hole took me deep, and I had side ventures into vitamin B complexes. I will be presenting it here if Wendyworn, https://wendyworn.blogspot.com doesn’t post it, I offered it to her first. I was asked to present this. It is about an hour long and very informative. It does have adverts and I could not strip them. I am not overly familiar with Kevin Hoyt, I would use some discretion and verify what he presents, use your due diligence. I was even surprised at what our health industry, vitamins and supplements companies are not regulated and mostly owned by pharmaceutical concerns. I am not an expert in pharmaceuticals or vitamin regiments or supplements. I will lay out in laymen terms so most can understand, some of the ideas and issues and interactions are complex and chemistry was not my stellar subject in school. So bear with me when I have a final draft. Myself, have chucked a lot of vitamins out of my cupboard after reviewing them and finding the chemicals involved and used.

8 thoughts on “A couple of long time readers have requested my take on certain vitamins and supplements.

      • …and mushrooms, raw or cooked.

        I haven’t read the entire substack at Wendy’s place, I’m about 5 min. in, it’s quite long.

        I do believe in using certain vit’s. Vit C, 500mg/2Xday and a multi vit/min. If I get a sniffle, I up the intake to 2000mg/day and I don’t get sick often.

        The vit C I take is derived from rose hips, supposedly. Rose hips have been recognized since ancient times as a scurvy preventive, among other things it was recognized as good for. I know it doesn’t take much Vit C to prevent scurvy. 60mg/day or so according to what I’ve read. Maybe it’s all psychological. IDK.

        • It’s not the Vitamin, it’s how they’re made and what’s in them. Check “other ingredients”.

  1. Yesterday I saw a substack blasting vitamin d. but the author was anonymous who knows what the truth is because we now can’t trust the doctors. Still gonna take mine

    • Have heard same but about D3. Chiro who knows nutrition inside and out said stay away from D3. Take D, but not D3.
      Net searches are like 50/50 opinion split good/bad.
      CEDERQ – what’s the difference between the two? And your opinion on D3? THANKS!

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