11 thoughts on “A clue bat is needed…

  1. never, never bring home anyone unless you plan of keeping them.
    just not a good idea. otherwise , they just may show up on your door step at any time= not a good thing. it is always better to go to her place. that way you can leave if there is no food in the fridge. just saying, of course.

    • No food in the fridge = no sandwiches. gotta check that shit out on the way in. just saying. (c;

    • I only brought them to my home until after the sixth or seventh date. and then it was only in the living room. If a romantique interlude were to happen it was always at her place. When I finally did bring them home, I never gave them a key or allowed any clothes or even toiletries from her abode. I stock some common female toiletries and hygiene supplies. I did not want them to establish a beachhead so to speak or a presences in my house. It was a year at least until I introduced her to my parents or siblings…

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