13 thoughts on “A bullet always tells the truth.

  1. I can still remember when I first saw the film about that . 1978, west Berlin.
    it was in the dayroom with about 10-12 other guys. some of them where what we called “shooters”. anyway. one guy counted at least 3 different hits from 3 different directions. last shot or the kill shot, came from the front and lower. like a storm drain. the reason we knew this was that WE had been training to fight from the storm drains. like some Germans did in WW2 in Berlin.
    later on I read the “Warren report” what a crock of shit. and they sold that crap to the country ? so, you can understand why I don’t believe anything the damn gov’t clowns say. like the Virus bullshit. the more they pushed it, the more I knew it was bullshit.

  2. Unless it goes through the FBI’s vaunted Crime Lab, then it speaks whatever ‘truth’ the FBI wants it to speak.

  3. help me out…..nothing to see there? just a title and ”
    A bullet always tells the truth.
    Posted on September 4, 2024 by CederQ
    This entry was posted in Coming soon… by CederQ. Bookmark the permalink”

    where’s the video or whateber it is?

    • No video, no post, just the header. It is a quote from a good movie starring Denzel Washington, A Man on Fire. I sometimes put out these little pearls of wisdom, some to see if you can guess where they come from, or something timeless. Go with the flow baby, it is there for your edification.

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