A Brilliant Idea That Needs To Spread Across The Country

A vending machine that sells ammunition, in a grocery store.

City officials said Tuesday that an ammunition vending machine powered by artificial intelligence selling bullets in a Tuscaloosa grocery store is both real and legal.

During a briefing of the Tuscaloosa City Council before their regular slate of meetings, city council president Kip Tyner asked police chief Brent Blankley and other municipal leaders to explain a vending machine selling people ammunition at the Fresh Value store on at the corner of Skyland and McFarland Boulevards.

“I got some calls about ammunition being sold in grocery store vending machines,” Tyner said. “I thought it was a joke, but it’s not.”

He’s right – the automated dispenser is no joke, it’s one of the very first unmanned vending machines installed by American Rounds, a company looking to revolutionize how ammunition for handguns, rifles and shotguns is sold.


I have two words for this,

Hell Yes!

16 thoughts on “A Brilliant Idea That Needs To Spread Across The Country

  1. ID scanner with facial recognition? Yeah, I’d rather go to a gun show and pay cash.

    • Yeah, my paranoia kicked in with “someone” being able to easily compile a ready built database of ammo purchases.

  2. Hell No! I don’t want artificial intelligence(an oxymoron) determining by my ID to sell me that ammo. I can go into a gun store or most red state co-ops or hardware stores and buy it with cash and no one at all knows I buy it, unless I happen to shoot at the range with the clerk or he lives next door. It is not an idea that it’s time has come. It is a way to track our nasty asses.

  3. For the love of God, why does every Uboob video have to have irritating music competing with the people speaking? I just don’t understand this crap.

    • I couldn’t agree more on adding music under a video where it’s completely unnecessary.

    • Oh because EVERY video maker thinks that EVERYONE appreciates their SHITTY MUSIC CHOICES. The fact that the sound level almost BREAKS YOUR EARDRUMS makes the music that much better, don’t you see?

      Yah, one of my pet peeves.

    • To make a claim of copyright infringement when other creators use parts of their video.

  4. Thirty years ago I could buy ammo and adult beverages at the same time at the Longs Drugstore in town….in California. Damn, how far we’ve fallen. Best to get your ammo in Nevada now that the commies have an 11% excise tax and a background check with every purchase. Fuck California.

    • Yeah…
      “Smittys” grocery store.
      I could, in a single visit, get:
      Milk, eggs, bacon, a new coat and boots, a case of beer, a Mossberg 12ga, shells, a box of clay birds, a tool box and tools, lawn furniture, flowers and mulch, a new lawn mower, a bottle of whiskey, and then stop in to the diner for a chicken-fried steak and coffee.
      Whatinthehell happened to my world?!?!?

  5. Try a vending machine selling unpasteurized raw milk (like Europe has). Or prepaid credit cards, or cell phones, or handguns, sold for cash with no identity link to the purchaser.

  6. Beyond all the great points made above about privacy, what do you buy from any vending machine that isn’t more expensive than buying off the shelf? Everything has the overhead of running the machine and the guys who keep it running.

  7. The machine in T-town (Tuscaloosa) was pulled from the store, according to AL.com.

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