32 thoughts on “Do Your Part To Save The Animals This November.

    • A lot more than borders are gonna disappear, my friend.
      Carry Practice headshots. Get a laser for your rifle or pistol to make sure of your shots, ’cause you can’t waste ammo. THAT’S how bad it’s gonna get.

      What, ME worry??

  1. Strange how this is a shock to people. It’s like everyone totally forgot not more than a year ago when it became known that cannibalism was rampant in Haiti (which it had been for quite a few years).

    So when these illegals have finished with all the local wildlife, then moved on and cleaned out the all the zoos and pet stores, I wonder if it’ll still be a shock to folks when their pallate starts to hunger for cuisine a bit further up the food chain.

    Food for thought.

  2. Back in the 80’s, my mom rented a room to a Navy Seal….we went to a little restaurant and ate cat brains for dinner…

  3. Pingback: Tuesday Debate Edition – Western Rifle Shooters Association

  4. It’s no joke. Midwest cow town of 55 thousand has had 20 thousand Haitians just dumped here. Nobody knows how. Police and EMS are overwhelmed, and they’ve eaten the swans in the park I used to take my children to. They’re squatting in people’s yards, and eating pets. The school went from 150 non English speakers to 1600. They can’t drive, one swerved into a school bus and killed a child. It’s a freaking nightmare.

  5. Not surprising that PETA is totally MIA on this just as the feminists are AWOL on the sexual assaults and rapes perpetrated by the Democrat’s beloved Shitholians,

  6. Links

    The Mail is calling it “wild unsubstantiated claims.” It’s not. It’s on film.the town has gone from cow town to Port au Prince. And no, it’s not about ‘the jobs Americans won’t do.’ There haven’t been many jobs in Springfield for decades. Industry up and left.
    Peter has an interesting article on selective hiring practices; this HAS been my experience at the hospital. Admin actually went looking for brown nurses. Only wanted brown ones. Paid visas, nursing licenses, moving expenses etc. Our rural hospital got 3. Dumber than box of rocks. One just sleeps all night, one got fired for theft, and one is so bad we put her in triage so she wouldn’t kill anybody. She said it was discrimination, and we were forced to give her patients. She killed one. It was swept under the rug, and she’s still here. Not a fan.

  7. Somewhere between 60 and 70 Million illegals in the country, by current estimates, what events are not posted on the web every day, we do not know, but this is probably happening in other states and towns. Firehand posted a question the other day about muzzies and the Darien Gap.

  8. I keep smiling while waiting for the Purge to go live.
    You DO realize by now that a Purge is going to be absolutely necessary, don’t you?
    Do you think our own government, who allowed this in the first place, probably by design, will lift a finger to correct it as long as leftist commies exist?
    If so, I know a virgin with 10 kids looking for someone to scoop her up just as blind and in denial you.

  9. At this point in time Springfield has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Springfield is not going to be the monolithic society they once were in the last century. The Best People are going to be at the centre of that huge transformation for Springfield to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and The Best People will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Springfield will not survive.

    • You are correct, ironically. The business community loves the immigrants. Many small to medium size Midwestern towns saw their brightest and most hardworking white residents leave for greener pastures during past recessions. Workers are needed again so the tradeoff is an immigrant workforce and a few missing pets or a dying town with the remaining indigenous white population unable to work due to drugs, alcohol, or obesity.

      • Oh bullshit. Violent, uneducated, and fundamentally uneducable retards with sub-80 IQs are a drag on ANY society, much less an advanced technological one. Those morons will never be useful anywhere. Except of course as mobs to intimidate people who can actually contribute to society.

        I was sarcastically quoting Barbara Lerner Spectre.

        • Double, extra viscous bullshit! All that remains in a lot of these old industrial towns are violent, uneducated, and fundamentally uneducable retards with sub-80 IQs. Black immigrants couldn’t hurt.

          Show me on the doll where the mean black immigrant hurt you.

          Never heard of Spectre. Looked her up, not impressed.

  10. you guys realize that we going we are going to have to shoot our way out of this
    right ? you can not reason with someone with a IQ of 68 or less. just not going to happen. get a good semi auto shotgun, and a lot of buckshot and slugs.
    yes, rifles do the job a lot better, sometimes. but this is something you do not want to blow back on you. wear gloves, wipe the rounds clean of prints, and load.
    just in case you miss one or two on police call after the deed is done.
    at times I think they doing this to us to get us to react just like this. maybe so.
    just don’t make it easy for the feds afterwards. that is who is going to come down on anyone “reacting: to their plan . want to see the future ? look at Europe and the UK. and then you understand WHY they want to disarm us so bad.
    and if that bitch gets in, plan on it. she will sure try like hell to disarm us.
    and as always, ammo is always the weak link. get as much as you can. store it well. we going to need all we can get here soon enough.
    Big Country had a post on building your own flame thrower at home. if I lived anywhere near a city/town. I would have made 2 of them by now . maybe add a pressure gauge to limit it at 250 PSI like the old WW2 ones where made though.
    anyway, I figure it going to get right “sporty” by the time of the “election” if we even have one. I still wonder about that part. they in power now and they do not want that part to change. or if it does, they will make things and life a lot worse for us. better plan on that part too really.

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