The Commies Are Getting Desperate

Really, Fucking, Desperate.

I’m thinking this is one of those signs that we all need to start getting real fucking serious about preparing for The Shit Hitting The Fan.

If they arrest Trump over this Kangaroo Court January 6th witch hunt bullshit then all bets are off.

It will be Game On Motherfuckers.

23 thoughts on “The Commies Are Getting Desperate

  1. Trump literally drives the left insane. To the point where they will do anything. If they can’t find a way to incarcerate him they will assassinate him.

  2. I rarely go to “extreme” comments until necessary.

    Every damned person has two choices now:

    1. More ammo
    2. White surrender flags

    Don’t come near me if you’re one of the spineless pussies who select #2.

    • 1A – More mags
      2 – There is NO SURRENDER. For reference, see Bataan Death March.
      We must stand together against tyranny and accept nothing less than total victory. Death before dishonor! Fuck the evil Biden administration and all the evil bastards who support him. Biden, Harris, Schumer and Pelosi must face charges of treason and pay the ultimate price. FJB!

      • A read for your consideration: “The Last Lieutenant” by John J Gobbell.
        Against orders to surrender to the Imperial Japan Army, one Navy Lt commandeered a Navy motor whale boat along with a number of sailors and set their course for Australia.
        They kept a bunch of the japanese busy looking for them on their trip to freedom.
        I met one of the Bataan survivors in Reno back in the ’80s. Even back in my youth I could tell there was something missing from the man.

      • Had a college economics professor that survived the march. On the anniversary day of rescue he told our class the truth. Horrors you can’t imagine and he was being delicate in his telling.

      • Yes. We’ll have each other’s backs that way.
        Fuckers have a less-than-zero chance now.

      • Can I quietly run threw your woods amongst their ranks with my tomahawk causing mayhem and mischief???????


  3. So sending the feebes into Trumps home on some bullshit pretext isn’t ENOUGH?

    “Stand your ground. Do not fire unless you are fired upon, but if they mean war, let it begin here” Cpt. John Parker, April 19, 1775

    • Do or Do Not, there is no try! – Yoda, a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away). FJB!

  4. Well thats concerning. I suspect shot while ‘resisting arrest’ is coming up soon.

  5. They got nothing on him or he would have been taken down. Or he is controlled opposition, remember operation warp speed.

  6. The FIRST thought that went through my mind was, “Oh boy, they have really screwed the pooch!!”
    Second thought was, “The payback/weeding out process is gonna be EPIC!”
    Third thought, “No Quarter”

    Let’s see how Faux News handles this! The rest of the Libtard “newsies” can GTH in a handbasket.

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