25 thoughts on “9/11 Was A Massive Cover Up Operation To Hide The Theft Of Trillions Of Dollars From The American Public.

  1. Some parts of a plane always survive, landing gear assemblies, engines, root spar of the wing, parts of the wing, tail sections. All heavy, large machined parts do not vaporize. Fuck FJB/Govs…

    • Yeah – there are pictures of engines and large parts like that scattered outside the Pentagon and some lighter weight parts like twisted pieces of the fuselage. I remember seeing them afterwards. I remember reading people saying that most of the debris was pieces a few inches across. A lot of energy got dissipated there. This wasn’t a low speed approach like a landing.

  2. a long time ago when I was still in the army, we had to clean up after a plane wreck
    not a pretty sight by any means. but, there is ALWAYS parts laying around afterwards. and bits of what used to be people too.
    everything I saw about that hit tells me it was not hit by a plane.
    and the fact that building do not fall down after a plane hits them is rather odd too
    but what do I know about anything ?

  3. Some of were paying attention back then. The Pentagram was being pressured to explain the loss of three trillion dollars. The records for all the transactions were being stored in Building 7. Guess what part of the Pentagram got hit by the missile (not an aircraft).

    • there a old book around called “the secret teams”. if you can find one
      read it, it will give you a very good idea how a lot of this shit happens. and also a good idea of where to start looking too.
      remember this, they have killed for a lot less than this before
      and had no problem doing it.
      sad to say, a lot of shit like this goes all the way back to WW2
      or shall we say they got the idea and learned how to get away with it back then. like how much you want to bet that less than 30% of all the “aid” gets to uke land ? the bigger some bullshit is, the easier it is to steal some of it.
      kind of sad when you think about it all. at the end of WW2 we where the richest country on the planet. and now we broke and in debit ? and by the way, how do congress critters go there worth
      a few hundred thousand become millionaires inside of a few years
      I often wonder about things like that,,
      I guess, I shouldn’t think about such things

  4. Where arre the black boxes? if you watch air disaster regardless of the damage to the aircraft the vast majority of the time they recover the black boxes???? also for the towers as well?

  5. Yes they do, buried in concrete ruble after punching through un reinforced concrete walls to come to rest in an inner ring of the large building. By reports plane hit ground just short of building wall and sliced through to almost inner ring,where would you expect wreckage to be? .. Flight 93 and other planes have some questions about.

  6. And that barely scratches the surface of all the information available about that day.
    I’m amazed by how many people I know personally that still refuse to believe anything contrary to the official narrative.

  7. Whatever happened to the gold vault under the twin towers? Maybe this was a real-world version of the Die Hard movie plot.

  8. The biggest security failure ever. Nobody got in trouble for the failures. One guy who died was on his first day on the job. Everyone else who failed? Got promoted.

  9. Not a single traffic/parking lot camera captured the alleged aircraft flying toward the pentagon, nor were there any eye/ear witnesses that reported an AIRCRAFT. There were a few that described a “whooshing” noise (like a missile or rocket), but not a single witness described the highly recognizable sound of a passenger aircraft’s turbofan engines.
    There were ZERO identifiable pieces of a passenger aircraft wreckage, especially hard parts (engines & nacelles, wheels/tires, landing gear struts, etc). Just a round hole. Wings and empennage (tail section) would/should have sheared off and would/should have left LARGE AND IDENTIFIABLE pieces on the OUTSIDE of the building.

    • You may wish to re-check your statement, especially about “wreckage”. At a ground speed of over 300 mph, a metal tube hitting granite that,s been reinforced with what could be call ballistic cloth still penetrated the third ring of the pentagon. The wings folded back due to stress but the burn marks are still visible from the outside. After the wings folded back and initial impact, at least one engine separated and left a 12 ft hole. Don’t know about were you live, but around here most traffic and parking lot cameras are not facing up but down. Their field of view is extremely limited. And no, large and identifiable pieces left outside does not fall within the grasp of physics. If your running at full speed and you hit a 4×8 piece of plasterboard, does your noggin, arms and legs stay on the front side while your core body goes through?

    • FUCK YOU! I was there. I saw plenty of aircraft parts, even inside the building. My office was on the E Ring, 2d floor looking out on the helipad and the little tower for AC control. Luckily, I was down in the Pentagon library to return some books that were due on that day or might have been my ass too. Most people in my office got out ok, except for a cute little SP4 who was killed because she was down the hall by the DCS for Intel. All I could smell was JP4 and smoke until I got put bey North Parking, when I got around to the helipad, cops made us all go across the hiway over to Arlington Cemetary because they said another plane was coming, after about an hour or so we got word about 93 going down in PA. So any of you that say it was a set up can kiss my ass. I still have the library books with the cards with the due date on them.

  10. Klaus Schwab was in NYC on 9/11. He’s a guest on Charlie Rose’s old PBS interview program saying so, it’s all over Twitter and YTube. Yeah, a coincidence he was in town that day….

      • Material was found at all sites and still being found. Last piece around April 2013 wedged between two buildings. Part numbers have been traced back to involved aircraft.

        I spent a few years with the a unit call JTF-FA. Their mission is to research and recover, if possible, all missing service members from Vietnam War. I have seen what remains from a military fighter after it hits the ground at over 400 mph ground speed. Not much is left and the pilot is basically liquefied. If there was a fire involved, less will be found as all flammable material is burnt off and items melting will pool in different areas. It is not pretty. If we can find just one piece with numbers that can be traced back to the aircraft, we’re extremely happy.

        For the more mechanically minded, what happens to a car that hits a non moving wall at 50 mph. If you are not wearing a seat-belt your going through the window. Your car will crumble and bend as designed to keep interior cockpit intact. Now ramp that up to 478-521 mph as that is the cruising speed of commercial aircraft. What do you think will be left and how much debris will be ejected outwards. Now include the mostly full fuel cells being ruptured and now you have liquid travelling at the same speed as when the aircraft hit. Anyone dropping a glass of water knows it will not stay in one place, it will continue to settle to lowest level.

        Oh, didn’t find the cockpit recorder. Yep, I would say with the force of the crash combined with the heat from the fuel and other flammable burning off…. Oh, don’t forget after burning for a while now falling hundreds of feet with other concrete, metal, etc debris. Yea, the chance of finding a cockpit recording would be the same as you hitting the lottery (living in Florida, we would say you had a better chance of getting struck by light’en).

        After all is said, was our government involved, who knows but just like everything else, no one in the government can keep a secret.

    • And please explain what warhead they would use to bring down a this building. Cruise missiles don’t work that way.

  11. Just to let you know, I’m not trying to really defend one side or the other. But that said, the amount of “real” information that can be found combined with testimony from structural engineers and aircraft designers and maintainers, falls in line with what I’ve actually seen. The amount of people who scoured the streets and building trying to identify possible aircraft parts was simply amassing, that part of New York was probably never that clean before or after. Will they find it all, no and I don’t expect them to and some pieces will turn up sooner or later. I’ve seen claims on the internet from people (trying to type that with a straight face) who believe cruise missiles were involved or military pods were seen on the belly of the plane. While the 1000lb warhead is impressive, not quite the destructive force needed, and yes 21 years Air Force, I’ve seen munitions of this size going off and their probable damage. I mean, God forbid someone specialty in Op’s and Target Intelligence for over 17 years would not know which bomb would be best paired for target. In this career field, setting the fuze for .1 millisecond is the difference between under or over penetration. This just simply mean either hitting outside the vent shaft (just a peck) or going through and out the other side. Either way the damage is negated and you’ve put your aircrew in danger for nothing.

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