20th Anniversary of Marvin Heemeyer’s epic drive through Granby, Colorado. June 4th 2004 with his 85 ton armored Komatsu Bulldozer.

H/T and thanks to Mr. Mayo: More up Phil’s alley…

> Music’s extreme metal community has also found common ground with
> Heemeyer, according to Pat Jarrett, a 41-year-old bass player for the
> Virginia sludge metal band named — wait for it — Heemeyer.
> While Jarrett says he and his bandmates lean to the left on the political
> spectrum, they understand the alienation and frustration that fueled
> Heemeyer’s actions 20 years ago.
> “Marv Heemeyer is a kind of folk hero in the extreme metal community,”
> Jarrett said. “Certainly, his rampage was unreasonable, but he was pushed
> to the point of pushing back. And there’s catharsis in that.
> “I understand that feeling of wanting to hole up in a garage and build
> something I could bulldoze with.”
> A Swiss thrash metal band named Xonor has a song called “Killdozer,” as
> does Canadian doom metal band Dopethrone. North Carolina metal band Lords
> and Liars released its own “Killdozer” track.
> “Focused. Deliberate,” the lyrics go in Lords and Liars’ version.
> “Nothing will stop him but his equipment. Rage born. Revenge machine.
> He’s going down a way that’s been never seen.”
> “Marv is part of the lore of heavy metal,” Heemeyer’s Jarrett said.

Since I’m not a metalhead, I wasn’t aware of the “sludge” variant.

12 thoughts on “20th Anniversary of Marvin Heemeyer’s epic drive through Granby, Colorado. June 4th 2004 with his 85 ton armored Komatsu Bulldozer.

  1. Good vid on UTube going over ALL the events that led up to the incident, detailing that a lot of the “official” info doesn’t add up and may not be accurate.
    The vid does a good job of comparing official reports, contradictory statements by the folks involved, and using public and court documents to try and sus out the truth.

  2. If you are 41 years old and still part of a “metal band” than you haven’t matured; you have arrested development.
    Sorry all you aged millenials, gen x, y, z’s. but y’all have to give up sometime. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

    • I couldn’t continue listening to him, I am tired of listening to men whose testosterone levels are below FJB and Kneepads kamala approval ratings and far below AOC’s intelligence quotient.

  3. It’s never too early to tell your children, the story of Marvin Heemeyer

  4. Definitely shows that we need a 7 day waiting period on bulldozer purchases, background checks and ignition locks. If it saves one life, it is worth it.

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