6 thoughts on “Some think she is presidential material? Only material is the rug she kneels on.

    • Worse than just Jamaican, he was an economist at Stanford. Mama was a microbiology researcher in Canada. Both slackers with PhDs from Berkley. That’s why she is so lazy and bereft of intelligence.

  1. Her parents were immigrants, their citizenship status, which was NOT U.S. does not affect her eligibility for the presidency, according to the U.S. Constitution. She was born in CA. So if she’s elected president, she’ll be the first anchor baby president.

    • Both Harris parents non-citizens. So which presidents are anchor baby presidents?

      • You one of those guys that hates being white? So what do you identify as, nigger? goat/camel fucker? wetback? Get the fuck out of here. You can’t be proud of being German or Hungarian then you are shit!

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