4 thoughts on “But have a plan to get up…

  1. most times the plan will come to you later, the main thing is to get back up.
    dad always said life was like a fight, if you get knocked down, you best get back up!

  2. How to tell you’re an old fart: you fall down, but instead of leaping back up in embarrassment, you lay for a sec while damage reports come in from various parts of your body. If nothing structural is actually busted, you start to get up, while monitoring input from different areas, and checking for obvious spots where bark has been knocked off and scarlet seepage is occurring.
    The final confirmation that indeed, you are a decrepit old fart, people ( including pretty women whom you don’t begrudge attention from) hurry over, asking if you’re hurt, while you’re struggling up (or not), instead of perhaps finding amusement at your stumble. Something that you swear would have occurred just the other day.

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