5 thoughts on “100% Right

  1. He ain’t wrong. But I would take it one step further; they are guilty of treason, and the penalty should be forfeiture of their life.

  2. “Misappropriation” and fraud are the same as walking into the corner store with a gun and robbing the place, except it’s stealing from The People instead of a business.

    There definitely should be larger penalties for theft from The People than for theft from any other entity. At minimum, forfeiture all pay and pensions should be the sentence of the day, IMHO. The forfeiture should include all property, bank and brokerage accounts including any accounts held off shore, leaving them and their family destitute, begging in the streets for shelter and sustenance, maybe with the added penalty of a mandatory sign worn for the rest of their miserable lives which reads “I stole from my fellow citizens”.

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