Fuck Them Yellow Bellied Sonofabitches!

This motherfucker is MY KIND OF PEOPLE!

Their “Safety Guy” came and informed the crew that they either took The Jab or they were fired.

This is how that worked out.

22 thoughts on “Fuck Them Yellow Bellied Sonofabitches!

  1. I am a little disappointed they didn’t tar and feather the safety clown. Or at least slap him around a bit.

    • You have to forgive a union brother (if he really is) even when he’s wrong.
      The only unions I don’t support are cop unions. The leaders talk and act like mafia dons and they never support other unions. Some of the big city police unions make the teamsters of the 1960’s look like slackers.

      • There shouldn’t be ANY public employee unions. That’s how you get a White House staff and every other fed.gov under Trump who willfully ignored and undermined Trump’s policies and directives for four years.

        • What policies were undermined? Trump is incompetent. He has the self-discipline of a spoiled child and the attention span of gnat. Trump was the head of the party that controlled the House, Senate, and Supreme Court for his first two years and all he got passed was a huge tax cut for rich people. Anyone with an ‘R’ by their name could have gotten that done.The Art of the Deal? I don’t think so.
          There might be a case against public employee unions but that ain’t it.

      • I dealt with different construction unions my whole career. They all suck. The hold the best workers down

  2. yup. I fucking refuse to wear a damn mask that does nothing. as for the jab,
    you come at me with that shit do not be alarmed if I shove it in your ass instead.
    I have had enough of this bullshit and I am not shy about letting them know too.
    a fucking mandate is not legal in the sense of the word, it’s a fucking wish.
    no law was passed saying you need this shit. like the old guy says
    fuck them.

  3. Well I’m about to be fired from my employer Anthem. Time to call them out.

    They are telling us that we HAVE to declare our vaxx status, or else. I’ve worked in this industry (off and on) since 1992, and my reply was NO. This is personal information protected by HIPAA, but it seems they can suspend the rules as they see fit.

    I’m not budging. Fuck them. I’m not saying whether I’m vaxxed or pureblood, I’m simply refusing to tell them. Let the games begin.

  4. So much fake news and so many conspiracies, yet y’all assume a random tik tok video is real.

    • Next thing y’all assume will be that commenters are “real people” and not trolls and such!
      “Where’d I put that anonymity mask?”

  5. And that, boys and girls, regardless of union membership or not, is a small sample of what America has been missing for a good portion of my life (and I’m friggin old). It’s called a spine, something you use to hold your head high, that gives credence to, not only your words, but your acts, you know what those are eh! Those are the things you say you will do and then do, and hold yourself responsible for, however right or wrong they turn out. Man up!

  6. I experienced something similar at Boening in 1979. I was a non-union guy sent to work on an alarm system. We had just reached the control panel when thousands of people started leaving. I didn’t know we were the cause until a supervisor told us to leave. It was a very effective tactic.

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